Delivery Terms
Delivery estimates take into consideration both the delivery address and the types of products being ordered.
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery / For Customers in Nairobi Metropolitan Area. We use Courier for these orders, for fast and reliable delivery to destinations across their comprehensive local network. Orders placed between 7 Am and 4 Pm will be delivered the same day thereafter they will be delivered the following working day. Delivery times vary depending on a product’s stock status and the intended delivery address. For very large orders, we may terms may be different and you shall be advised accordingly.
Overnight Delivery
Most In stock products are delivered overnight anywhere in Kenya –if order placed before the indicated cut-off time. Our Overnight Delivery cut-off is usually 4:00pm Monday to Friday, Larger products take an additional days to be delivered.
Evening Express Delivery
Same Day Delivery is available to Nairobi & its suburbs. Same Day Delivery orders are delivered between 9am to 4pm in the evening on the same day your order is dispatched.
For security reasons please indicate comprehensively your address including house/apartment number for delivery within Nairobi and its Environs.Please note we do not do deliveries do unmarked locations or temporary stops